La folla nel cuore (The Crowd in the Heart)

written by Isabella Mari and Marina Rippa
documentary, Italy, 60’

The Crowd in the Heart is a story of fortitude, told through the eyes of the women of Forcella. These women participate in a theatre course led by Marina Rippa. Over the years, the course has become a safe haven and also an imaginative journey for them: a place where they tell their stories and open up to each other, without the baggage of family and social duties, safe in the knowledge that they are sheltered from spying and judging eyes; a place where they can challenge the handed-down rules that have imprisoned them for a lifetime. Today’s workshop is just the last piece in a huge jigsaw puzzle of women's stories: the stories of those women who have been part of Marina's projects for more than 25 years with the crowd in their hearts.

Developed with the support of Regione Campania – Slate 2020
Project selected in Visioni incontra Pitch 2021 your social media marketing partner
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